The materials on this site may be reproduced for educational use only. If you decide to use these materials, we request your feedback, specifically:
1) What did you like/dislike about the activity/question/lab?
2) How did your students react? Did anything that came up surprise you?

Below are a number of quantitative-skill focused questions in .pdf form, sorted by topic area. Some are in the form of multiple choice “Think-Pair-Share” questions and others are short answer questions. Have some of your own to contribute? E-mail us!

Celestial Motions

Insolation Graph

Star Trails 1

Star Trails 2

Gravity and Motion

Newton’s Third Law

Weight on Super Earth

Orbital Mass

Momentum and Disk Dispersal

Galaxies and Cosmology

Hubble’s Cars



Spectra Graphs

Blackbody Graphs

Inverse Square Law

Radio Station Wavelength

Doppler Shifts

Planetary Geology

Valles Marinaris vs. Grand Canyon

Venus-Mercury Temperature Paradox

Impact Frequency

Stellar Evolution

Size and Scale

Billion v. Trillion

Earth v. Basketball

Earth from Moon

Size of Sun

Solar Cycle

Size of Atom

Random Walk

Size of Nucleus

Earth v. Sun

Earth v. Jupiter

Science vs. Pseudoscience

Astrology Car Crashes (also lab)
