Welcome! This is the website of the Quantiative Reasoning for College Science (QuaRCS) study. Our goal is to both mitigate and raise awareness of the dual problems of innumeracy and math anxiety as they relate to the science classroom.

The study PI Kate Follette and Co-Is are all undergraduate science educators, and we welcome the input and insight of fellow educators, science education specialists and armchair QL enthusiasts.

Here, you’ll find information about:

1) Our numeracy assessment instrument: the Quantitative Reasoning for College Science (QuaRCS) Assessment

2) Our faculty workshop series, funded through an NSF Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM grant

3) Resources, curricular materials, and publications.

We also publish a biannual newsletter called “Re-Numerate”, with announcements, result summaries, links to relevant articles, and sample activities. To sign up, please fill in the form below.